Ramin Djawadi
Game Of Thrones | Westworld
“Big Bams comprises enough booms, thuds, cracks, and smacks to get the percussive inspiration flowing. The organic and taped hits sound distinct out of the box while the well-crafted presets round out the instrument. Overall, an excellent hybrid percussion library.”
Haku Yeo
Dungeon Fighter Online | KBS
“Big Bams offers those high end cinematic sounds which is easy to blend into my original mix. It instantly makes the track fuller and edgy!”

01. Big Bams Organic Hits:
Carefully curated selection of big percussion hits, mapped according to the diagram below.
It includes an Orchestral Bass Drum played with soft and hard mallets, a Frame Drum, Brazilian drums Zabumba, Alfaia and Timbal, a Snare Drum, a big Gong and Tam-Tam.
It includes an Orchestral Bass Drum played with soft and hard mallets, a Frame Drum, Brazilian drums Zabumba, Alfaia and Timbal, a Snare Drum, a big Gong and Tam-Tam.

02. Big Bams Taped Hits:
The same Organic Hits samples recorded through magnetic tape, adding the analogue warmth and natural distortion. Uses the same keymap as the Organic Hits.

03. Big Bams Cinematic Booms:
Incredible collection of powerful Cinematic Booms created from the Organic Hits samples.
Perfect for big impacts, agressive hits, sound design, epic trailers, games and more.

04. Big Bams Cinematic Bass:
Unique cinematic bass patch with rich sound, full of character and movement, created using only the organic samples from the orchestral bass drum hits.

Bass Legato
The cinematic bass patch offers an additional legato control that can be turned on and off, turning the instrument into a monophonic synth-like bass with a legato sound creating a portamento or slide between the played notes where you can control the speed of the portamento.

Step Sequencer
Intuitive step sequencer with step number control, tempo selection and loops menu.

Creative Loops
The step sequencer includes 10 easily editable loops you can start from and 2 user slots. Click-and-Drag to edit or input velocity values into the sequencer.